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Welcome Equally Safe at School (ESAS) is an online intervention which supports secondary schools across Scotland to take a whole school approach to addressing gender-based violence (GBV).

ESAS was co-created by Rape Crisis Scotland and the University of Glasgow to support schools to build a positive culture in which staff and students work together to prevent GBV, and feel more confident and skilled in responding to incidents and disclosures of sexual harassment/violence. 

ESAS helps schools make progress towards;

ESAS is underpinned by principles of equality, safety and accessibility, with student voices at the forefront. It is freely available to all secondary schools in Scotland: Get started today by registering your school for an ESAS account.

The following video provides a powerful account of sexual harassment in schools across Scotland, to help understand why a whole school approach to addressing GBV is so important. 

The video was commissioned by the University of Glasgow and produced by Media Co-op, guided by an advisory group of young people.

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