Welcome Equally Safe at School (ESAS) is an online intervention which supports secondary schools across Scotland to take a whole school approach to addressing gender-based violence (GBV).
ESAS was co-created by Rape Crisis Scotland and the University of Glasgow to support schools to build a positive culture in which staff and students work together to prevent GBV, and feel more confident and skilled in responding to incidents and disclosures of sexual harassment/violence.
ESAS helps schools make progress towards;
- Curriculum for Excellence Health and Wellbeing outcomes
- Getting It Right For Every Child
- Scottish Government and COSLA’s Equally Safe Strategy to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women and Girls
ESAS is underpinned by principles of equality, safety and accessibility, with student voices at the forefront. It is freely available to all secondary schools in Scotland: Get started today by registering your school for an ESAS account.
The following video provides a powerful account of sexual harassment in schools across Scotland, to help understand why a whole school approach to addressing GBV is so important.
The video was commissioned by the University of Glasgow and produced by Media Co-op, guided by an advisory group of young people.