Designed to complement
How does ESAS build on work schools are already doing?
A key aim in the development of ESAS has been to ensure that it works compatibly with existing frameworks and resources to address gender inequality and gender-based violence - in particular the Improving Gender Balance and Equalities resources, the Mentors in Violence Prevention programme, the Relationship, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) curriculum, the Rape Crisis National Sexual Violence Prevention Programme and Women's Aid Domestic Abuse prevention work, as well as other relevant activities schools might be implementing. ESAS has been developed as a flexible framework, which emphasises how individual components contribute to a whole system, with consistent messages that reinforce each another across all areas of school life.
You can read more about the resources and programmes and how ESAS complements them:
You may also have heard about a programme called Equally Safe in Practice (ESiP.) ESiP is a programme led by Scottish Women’s Aid to develop Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) training for the Scottish workforce. It is being piloted with a number of local authorities, and whilst local authority education staff may be invited to take the training, it is recommended that schools engage with ESAS rather than ESiP, as ESAS has been designed specifically for schools.