Improving Gender Balance and Equalities
Improving Gender Balance and Equalities (IGBE) resources and research for practitioners helps to:
- challenge gender stereotypes
- address unconscious bias
- improve gender balance in subject uptake and learner pathways
- promote whole-establishment approaches to equality
Promoting gender equality across the curriculum is a key component of Equally Safe at School (ESAS), and schools who are embedding the IGBE programme are likely to have made substantial progress towards a whole school approach. Although the implementation of IGBE will have a positive impact on gender based violence (GBV), the general focus of the programme is on gender equality so there should be no duplication in terms of the content of information and resources.
You can access more information and IGBE resources here and video resources here. The self-evaluation framework is available here.
Here’s a perspective from one of the schools involved in the ESAS pilot which has also embedded the IGBE programme.
“St John Ogilvie school is also engaging in the pilot of the Improving Gender Balance self-evaluation framework and have equalities work embedded in their school improvement plan to ensure a sustainable approach is maintained.”
– Lorna Lawson, Headteacher, St. John Ogilvie High School
St John Ogilvie worked closely with the Improving Gender Balance and Equalities team at Education Scotland to develop their existing equalities work through addressing gender imbalance and unconscious bias. This involved professional learning for practitioners, the establishment of a working group, a curriculum review and consideration of how to widen learner pathways and opportunities.
You can read full details of St. John Ogilvie High School’s ESAS journey here.