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Who is Affected?

People of any gender can experience gender-based violence (GBV) and every survivor deserves to be supported when they experience such violence.

We refer to these forms of violence as gender-based because of the disproportionate rate at which women and girls are affected and because the people perpetrating these forms of abuse are overwhelmingly men and boys. We recognise that women and girls at the margins of multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, experience higher rates of sexual violence such as LGBTQIA people, Disabled people and young people of colour. For example, GBV experienced by Black girls often combines racism and sexism, and violence targeted at Disabled girls may include disablist abuse as well as sexism. These groups may also encounter additional barriers to accessing support, and additional impacts of violence. 

64% of girls (13-21) experienced sexual violence or sexual harassment at school or college in the last year

Girlguiding UK, 2017

One in ten women responding to a national Scottish sexual health survey said someone had had sex with them against their will, and one in five said someone had attempted to do so

Fuller et al., 2015

54% of girls surveyed by YWCA Scotland did not feel protected from sexual harassment in schools, with 26% feeling “extremely vulnerable”

Young Women Lead Committee, 2018

29% of girls aged 16-18 experienced unwanted sexual touching at school and a further 71% of 16–18-year-olds said they heard sexual name-calling such as “slut” or “slag” towards girls at school daily or a few times per week

EVAW/YouGov, 2010

75% of girls and young women said anxiety about potentially experiencing sexual harassment affects their lives in some way

Girlguiding UK, 2015

Equally Safe at School (ESAS) takes an intersectional gendered approach to understanding GBV. This approach enables us to recognise where violence and abuse happen at the intersection of more than one form of inequality or discrimination, and it allows us to tackle its root cause; gender inequality, combined with other forms of inequality and discrimination.

A substantial body of research from Scotland and the UK highlights the prevalence of GBV affecting young people in all areas of their lives, including at school.

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