What Does it Mean for My School to Get Involved?
Equally Safe at School (ESAS) is designed as a whole school approach: a series of separate parts which all contribute to a holistic approach. ESAS enables schools to sustainably embed preventative measures across their systems, culture and ethos using the following tools:
• A dashboard for senior leaders to manage and oversee progress
• Template information for communicating with parents, carers and young people
• Self-assessment materials for use with staff and students to identify the school’s priorities
• Materials to guide and facilitate an ‘Action Group’ made up of students and staff to tackle the school’s priorities
• Links to teaching resources about gender-based violence and gender equality
• An e-learning module for staff and information about how to access local training
• Materials to help schools embed gender-based violence prevention into policies
• Monitoring and evaluation tools
The ESAS approach is about complementing good work, not replacing it; all other work schools are doing that takes a gendered analysis and aligns with the Equally Safe Strategy, contributes to a whole school approach. You can read more about other key interventions and resources to tackle gender-based violence and promote gender equality here.