Help and support
When people experience any kind of gender-based violence (GBV), it is very common for their emotions and mental health to be affected. They might feel anxious, ashamed, angry or numb. They may find it difficult to concentrate at school, or experience things like flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression or have difficulty sleeping. All of this is a natural and understandable response to what has happened to them.
You may be a young person affected by sexual violence yourself, or you may be supporting another young person. However you might be feeling is OK and you don’t have to cope on your own. You are not to blame and you deserve to be supported.
It may help to speak to someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, teacher or doctor. You may prefer to talk to someone that doesn’t know you and you can do this by contacting any of these services. They are there to help and support you. Some of them offer text, email or webchat as well as phone support.
Below are some resources that you might be useful. The green booklet was created by Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre and refers to Edinburgh based support services as well as national services. If you’re in another local authority, please contact the local Rape Crisis centre for details of support in the area.
You can also visit Young Scot’s That’s Not OK webpages to read more about gender-based violence and help for young people.